We Ride Because It’s Who We Are
“We ride because it’s who we are, we can’t just stop because we have kids.” Laura McKee’s poignant words come back to me often. They’re so simple, but cut right to the heart of the conflict experienced by mamas everywhere.
I think of the moment my first pregnancy test came back positive as the moment my identities split in two. I spent my entire first pregnancy trying to figure out how I could be both a horse girl and an involved, loving mom.
Up until this point, it seemed these two archetypes were in direct conflict. The horse girl lives for her horses. She spends every waking minute working for them, either in an office to pay the bills or in the barn to keep stalls clean and water buckets full. I had been this person, spending every ounce of my energy from the moment I woke up in the morning until I fell asleep at night on horses, and this was the way I liked it.
I also had always dreamed of becoming a mom. I was the kid that played with dolls until I was probably a little too old, and spent my teen years babysitting every weekend. At events I was always the one with the flock of kids buzzing around me while the parents enjoyed the party (the kid I look for when I arrive with my toddler now).
But somehow I had never considered how these two facets of myself could coexist in the same person at the same time. When I realized they were about to (ready or not!) I had a bit of identity crisis, wondering if it was even possible to be the kind of mom I wanted to be and the kind of horsewoman I wanted to be.
Turns out (while it’s still challenging every single day to find the right balance), I actually think that being a horsewoman has made me a much better mom. I got to practice a lot of my parenting skills on my horses before ever doing them with my human kids. It has allowed me to stay calm when my daughter was in the emergency room with a 104 fever because I had been through so many traumatic medical events with my four-legged dependents. It makes me more patient when my toddler has a tantrum or says “no” to literally everything because I have learned emotional regulation skills with toddlers 50 times her size.
And I think that being a mom has made me a much more nurturing, curious, thoughtful horsewoman as well. I have learned how to reprioritize my to do list in a cut throat kind of way. I have learned how to slow down and be present for the process. And when a young horse acts out, I know that in the words of my wise baby group teacher, “behavior is communication.”
So don’t stop riding. Or hiking, or painting, or whatever it is that you do that makes you who you are at your core. Not only will your passion make motherhood more enriching and delightful for you, but it will also make you a better mom to your kids.
I know this is easier said than done, and you might have a million reasons, starting with dirty dishes and ending with bedtime snuggles that you just can’t do your thing right now, but you deserve to feel like you. And your kids deserve that too.
Is it Safe to Ride Horses while Pregnant?
Is it safe to ride horses while pregnant? If you’re a pregnant equestrian, there are a lot of factors that go into the decision about when to stop riding. In this article I outline the top four factors I have found after extensive research and many conversations with other pregnant equestrians, doctors, and healthcare professionals to help you decide if and when to dismount during pregnancy.
Disclaimer: I am not a physician or healthcare professional. Please make all decisions about your health and pregnancy with your healthcare team.
When I first found out I was pregnant my mind went right to riding. Is it safe to ride horses pregnant? I took my question to google, and didn’t find much. I then spent my pregnancy asking every OBGYN, midwife, equestrian mom, and anyone else with any credential the same question.
Even after all of that, I have to be honest, the determining factor for me was the day I found it difficult to mount, uncomfortable to ride. I decided in the middle of my first trot lap that this would be my last ride, and enjoyed a few moments. And then, I found myself on top of a 16.2hh gentle giant and not sure how I was going to get down…that solidified the decision, and began the longest riding hiatus I had ever experienced.
If you are also struggling to decide when to stop riding while pregnant, here is some information that might help you decide, or at least be safe in the meantime.
It is safe to continue to do whatever physical activity you were doing before pregnancy…with a few caveats.
The general rule of thumb for workouts and physical activity is that it is safe to continue doing whatever your body was used to before you became pregnant. However, your lifting capacity is diminished by at least 60% (if you could lift 100lbs before now you shouldn’t lift more than 40), and some women need to restrict even more. This is an important conversation to have with your healthcare provider early in your pregnancy, and to continue revisiting as you go along.
Additionally, abdominal separation during pregnancy poses risks to your postpartum recovery, and therefore any activity that involves a lift and twist (or twisting at all for that matter), or a crunch-type motion that causes any abdominal “doming” is risky and should be avoided. This may include saddling or mucking, for example.
Running, bouncing, and bumping are all safe, so presumably so is a sitting trot.
It is found that (as long as you were doing these activities prior to pregnancy) running and bouncing are safe for you and your baby. And therefore the actual bumping around from a sitting trot or canter should also be relatively safe. You’re not going to “shake your baby loose” or anything like that.
The risk of falling is much greater.
Once your belly starts to show your baby is at risk for injury. Of course, most of us that ride often are pretty careful about falling. But it’s important to remember that even the best riders fall from time to time, and even the best horses have their moments. Make sure to assess your risk level carefully, and work closely with your trainer (unless, of course, you are the trainer) to determine the safest options.
Add to this changes in stamina, blood pressure, and balance, and you may find that you are just not as strong or stable in the saddle as you were before. I remember walking my dogs when I was around 6 months pregnant and feeling like my center of gravity had shifted so much that I needed to lean back a bit to stay balanced, just walking down the driveway. I was also quite winded and struggling to keep up with my partner who was just walking a normal pace. We all know that when in the saddle if we get behind the vertical we’re in trouble on a spooking horse.
Relaxin is doing some weird things to your pelvis.
Relaxin is pumping through your body, helping to prepare you for birth. However, this hormone also can make you prone to injury, particularly in your pelvis. Symphysis Pubis Pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and other general pelvic misalignments are common during and after pregnancy, but can be exacerbated by activities like riding.
Hopefully this helps you wade through some of the factors that might help make this decision. The big takeaway here is that this is a decision to be made between you and your doctor. It’s incredibly difficult to even think about stepping back, as riding is often our therapy, our main form of movement, and our lifestyle. However, take it from me, 9 months postpartum and back in the saddle, this is a short time in your life. If you need some ideas of ways to cope while not riding, check out this post. And if you want more support throughout your equestrian pregnancy, I am here for you with lots of resources and even one on one support. Hang in there, mama, and be well.
5 Things you can do while you are on your break from riding
To a busy equestrian, time away from the barn can feel like some kind of cruel punishment. But it doesn’t have to. Here are 5 things you can do when you are too pregnant to be at the barn.
I remember the day my doctor said no more horses. I had already been abstaining from riding itself for a few months, but this was still a surprise since I was weeks away from my due date. I spent those weeks bored on the couch, in this purgatory between horses and baby where neither were available.
If you’re like me, your worst nightmare is any time spent away from your horse. Of course, pregnancy is a very short time in the grand scheme, but for many of us equestrians it is the longest stretch we’ll spend on the ground. However, there are still a lot of things you can do around the barn while you are not riding, as long as your doctor clears you for light activity.
Ground work
If you still feel somewhat balanced and able to do some light activity, ground work can be a lot of fun for both you and your horse. Groundwork isn’t limited to lunging. You can spend months practicing liberty work, trick training, obstacles, ground driving, and so much more. Get creative and have some lighthearted fun with your horse.
Spa days
I can spend hours grooming my horse, braiding her mane and tail, and polishing her hooves. You can also give your horse a nice massage, a bubble bath, body clip, or deep clean your tack and tack room.
Sit and read
If you have a nice chair at the barn, you can just sit near your horse and read. This might be your last chance to read for a while! And your horse will enjoy the company, even if you’re out of physical reach.
Long walks
Again, pending your doctor’s approval, you can take your horse on long, slow walks around the ranch to graze (make sure you can recognize poisonous plants!) and see the sights. Walking is good for helping baby get head down and low in the pelvis, and building up your stamina for labor. Plus it’s a great opportunity to get your horsey time in.
Spend time with barn friends
If all else fails, meeting up with barn friends, either at the barn or a restaurant, can be a great way to “scratch the horse itch” even if you’re on restricted mobility. You can talk about horses for hours all while keeping your feet up and drinking your NORA tea.
If you are in the stir crazy, bored out of your mind, angsty phase of your pregnancy, hang in there. I know this is not the best place to be, but trust me when I say you’ll miss the opportunity to sit on the couch and watch an entire movie, or just soak up the smells and sounds of the barn without a time constraint. As hard as this moment feels, this too shall pass, and soon you’ll be all consumed with an entirely new human’s needs and desires. This is your chance to pamper yourself, take yourself to the movies, sit on the beach, or just enjoy the silence. Be well, mama.
Key Nutrition for Pregnant Equestrians
What you eat now is more important than ever, but it doesn’t have to be stressful.
As a health coach, I am continually amazed at the diets of equestrian athletes. Many still subsist on fast food, skipped meals, and sugary drinks. All this despite the fact that they are, in fact, athletes, and should be fueling as such.
Horseback riding can burn upwards of 450 calories per hour. Throughout our days of walking, grooming, saddling, feeding, riding, etc we often work every major muscle group and get some decent zone 2 cardio.
We also know that pregnancy is an extremely high demand time nutritionally. In almost all cases of restricted nutrients, your body will serve your baby first, even if it means taking from your precious body to do so.
That’s why diet and vitamins are SO important for any healthy pregnancy, but especially for the pregnant athlete. Before we go on, I must remind you to please defer to your doctor’s advice about all things health and nutrition. However, here are some key things to consider when feeding a pregnant athlete (such as yourself):
Eating for Two?
You’ve heard it a million times, but is it really true? Calorically speaking, no. You have no increased caloric need during your first trimester, and only about 400-600 extra calories needed during your second and third trimesters. Nutritionally, however, your baby and body both need extra nutrients during this time to grow healthfully. So focusing on nourishing, nutrient dense foods is key to a thriving pregnancy, healthy birth, and quick postpartum recovery.
What if you’re too nauseous?
During your first trimester especially you may find you are just too nauseous to eat a nourishing diet. That’s okay. Just do your best. Try to eat bland but healthy things like nuts, cut raw fruits and veggies, whole grains, or bone broth (if you’re up to it you can drink it plain, or in soups). I know it’s tempting to live on ginger ale and butter noodles (trust me I had my share of those days), but do your best to balance that with foods rich in nutrition.
Prenatal Vitamins
A prenatal vitamin is essential to make sure you meet your basic nutritional needs throughout pregnancy and postpartum, as well as if you plan to breastfeed. Look for one that is food based for best bioavailability, and has folate, vitamin D, calcium, and choline at a minimum. You’ll want to take an iron and B vitamin separately, as iron will inhibit the absorption of calcium. You’ll also want to take a DHA/EPA supplement, like a high quality fish oil, collagen with plenty of all of the types (I, II, III, IV, V, and VI all serve different roles in the body and uterus specifically), and a probiotic to help minimize your chances of Strep b. I also took grass fed beef liver pills daily to help meet my iron and choline needs as a primarily vegetarian pregnant person.
Other nourishing things
In addition to all of this, there are a few other nourishing foods that can be extremely helpful during pregnancy. These include:
Eggs with yolks
Liver (if you can stomach it)
Tart cherry juice (to help you sleep)
Coconut water (electrolytes to help with muscle cramps)
Dates (especially late in the third trimester to help with a speedy and effective labor)
NORA tea (ask your doctor first, but this is a uterine and blood tonic that can help with a healthy third trimester and effective labor)
I realize this can feel like a lot to digest, literally, but there is never a more important time to strive for nourishing foods than now. Giving your baby the building blocks they need for a body they will live in for a lifetime, and giving your body the nourishment it needs to be a home for that baby, recovery quickly postpartum, and be an athlete all throughout shouldn’t be something to compromise on.
If you want help creating an in depth diet plan for your pregnancy and postpartum journey, reach out! I’d love to work with you.
The perfect drink for pregnant equestrians.
To be honest, it is the perfect drink for equestrians because it seriously tastes like the barn. NORA tea is a drink of choice for many pregnant women, as it is a uterine and blood tonic full of helpful benefits. We’ll dive into all of those here, but before we do, make sure to check with your healthcare provider to make sure it is safe for you to enjoy this beverage. Also, note that there are many ways to brew NORA tea with varying strengths. The longer it steeps, the stronger it will taste and its potency will be. Start with a weaker dilution, and work your way to the strong stuff as labor approaches. You can even sip it through labor to keep you hydrated and feeling strong.
N is for Nettles
You’ve probably seen your horse chomp away at nettles a million times. Nettles are full of iron and vitamins, as well as chlorophyll which will help oxygenate your blood.
O is for Oat straw
Seriously, the first time I opened a bag of oat straw I was like, why don’t I just go to the hay barn? Seems like the same stuff. Of course, the human grade one is much cleaner and more safe to eat. Oat straw is full of vitamins and minerals, but also is helpful for breastmilk production.
R is for Red Raspberry Leaf
This one could really be a standalone, and is known as a uterine tonic. This is also the one you want to be careful with because too much and too strong can cause contractions. But in its correct dilution, and in a healthy pregnancy, its safe to drink and can help strengthen your uterus for effective labor and quick recovery.
A is for Alfalfa
Yes, that alfalfa. Another trip to the hay barn? Also full of vitamins, minerals, and chlorphyll to help support healthy blood and a healthy pregnancy.
Check out this resource all about the benefits and how to prepare NORA tea at home.
Toward the end of my pregnancy it was a very hot summer, so when I got home from the barn I enjoyed my NORA tea like this:
Iced NORA tea leftover from the hot cup I had at breakfast
Coconut water
Raspberry flavored probiotic powder
Tart cherry juice to help me sleep
Lemonade flavored electrolyte powder
Lots of ice
I would fill a large mason jar with all of this goodness, put on some comfy pants, and go sit on the couch with my feet up to watch anything with Gordon Ramsay in it. This drink truly got me through the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Enjoy, and be well.