Do Horses Need Jobs?

For centuries, no, millennia, we have worked side by side with horses for our survival. New evidence shows that humans have been domesticating horses since as early as 3000BCE, and using them as a food source long before that. This would have occurred right along side the development of the earliest written language.

It is safe to say that we would likely not be where we are today in terms of our developments and advancements as a species were it not for the horse.

We have worked alongside horses for transportation, to plough our fields, fight in wars, and “discover” new territories. We have bred the heavy stock horses for pulling fresh cut logs miles through winter forest, the light sport horses for traversing long mountainous distances, often carrying us into battle, and we have so carefully crafted bloodlines to serve alongside us as trusted family work horses.

Since the invention of the automobile in the late 1800’s horses have slowly seen a change of career. From cart horse to passenger in air ride trailers, from valiantly riding into battle to bravely riding into the show ring. Horses’ new role along side us is as a sport mate, purely for our enjoyment.

I felt it necessary to brief you on this long history before I make my case that most horses thrive when they feel they have a sense of purpose. They have been bred and manipulated since nearly the beginning of written history to be our teammates, to carry us and work alongside us for a common interest. It’s in their wiring to work hard, show up, and aim to please us.

That said, the fact that we no longer depend on horses for our survival has brought up some interesting debates and conversations in the horse industry about fair treatment, exploitation, and whether or not they truly need a job.

This is where I would like to separate out job from purpose. A job is something we do as a means to an end—we work to put food on the table, pay the bills, be a functioning member of society. A purpose is a deeper calling within yourself that contributes to something greater than you alone. For a lucky few of us humans, our purpose and job overlap. I get to work every day with devoted horse people like you, helping you and your horse to thrive. But for others, they punch the clock, put their head down and get their work done. After work they go to the barn, volunteer, spend time with their kids, or find other ways to fulfill their purpose.

I see the same in horses. For some horses, they do the job because it is what was assigned to them at birth due to pedigree, training, and aptitude. Maybe they would be happier in a different sport, or different lifestyle, but they go do work diligently every day and put in the hours. And most horses do this with grace and humility, because they find purpose in their work.

For a few horses their assigned job simply can’t align with their purpose, and it’s those horses that we see acting out, exhibiting problematic behavior, or becoming depressed (ruling out any physical pain, of course). These horses can often be helped just by aligning them with a new purpose.

And for others still, they are unable to do any “job” due to physical or mental health issues which prevent them working in a traditional sense (much like some humans).

It is these horses that we really need to watch out for, and help them find a sense of purpose despite their unrideable state. This can be done through groundwork, equine therapy, a crucial role in a herd structure, or being a trusted companion for a person or other horse that depends on them.

There are so many ways for a horse to find purpose. But the important thing is that regardless of their “job” they feel needed. Horses that don’t feel needed become depressed, sour, or even downright dangerous in some cases. But give them a sense of purpose, and they feel fulfilled, confident, and calm.


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