5 Things you can do Differently Today to Spice Up your Horse’s Life
Our horses get bored. Who can blame them? The same routine, day in and day out…We catch them, lead them on the same path to the same grooming area, tack up the same way, ride our little routine, and undo it all again. Then we wonder why our horses react to any change in scenery, routine, or environment.
Variety is important, to keep your horse desensitized, active in their mind, and feeling fulfilled. Plus, your horse will pay more attention and be more responsive when they feel like you could ask something new of them at any time.
Here are 5 easy things that you can do next time you get your horse out to keep it interesting. And, all 5 take the same amount of time as your normal routine, so there’s no downside!
Take a new route
Instead of walking the most direct and well-trodden route to your tack area, take a detour. Try walking a new way, letting your horse see some new sights along the way. Extra points if you can work in some different terrain, like a hill, deep sand, or driveway pavement. The change in terrain will help wake up your horse’s body awareness before your work even begins.
Add transitions and groundwork into your travels
Instead of just walking from point A to point B, add some halts, back up a few steps, ask for a leg yield or lunge a circle on the lead rope. Work the groundwork that your horse already knows into your everyday tasks. It will make it more fun for both of you and help your horse understand why you teach them all of this groundwork in a real world context.
Go for a trail ride before your arena work
If you normally hack your horse after your ride, try hacking before instead. You can even do some of the things you’ll be doing in your ride like leg yields, transitions, bending exercises, and more.
Work in some walking exercises to your warm up
Instead of just walking around on the rail for ten minutes at the beginning of your ride, take that time to work on creating an adjustable walk, pushing it out and brining it back. Try adding in some leg yields, circles, cone weaving, or walking over ground poles. Check your position, do some balance exercises, or breath work. There is no reason to waste the warm up for you or your horse. Use it to set the tone for a better ride.
Go through the gate backwards
When you put your horse away, instead of simply walking through the stall door or gate, have your horse back through it. It’s such a simple change, but it will keep your horse on their toes instead of rushing home at the end of your ride.
Give these a try and let me know how it goes! I would love to hear how these little changes become a big influence in your horse’s life.